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7 Day return policy

Validity Covers Type Accepted
7 days from delivery Damaged, Defective, Item not as described Replacement
*For products requiring installation, Returns valid only when installed by Flipkart authorized personnel. If you have received a damaged or defective product or if it is not as described, you can raise a replacement request on the Website/App/Mobile site within 7 days of receiving the product. We will help you troubleshoot any issues you may have, either through online tools, over the phone, and/or through an in-person technical visit. Only one (1) replacement will be provided in the unlikely event that the product is defective. If no defect is confirmed or the issue is not diagnosed within 7 days of delivery, you will be directed to a brand service centre to resolve any subsequent issues. In the rare event that you receive a damaged mobile, please create a return within 48 hours of switching on the device. Returning post 48 hours may result in your return being rejected. Successful pick-up of the product is subject to the following conditions being met:
  • Correct and complete product (with the original brand/product Id/undetected MRP tag/product’s original packaging/freebies and accessories).
  • The product should be in unused, undamaged and original condition without any scratches or dents.
  • Before returning a Mobile/Laptop/Tablet, the device should be formatted and screen lock should be disabled. iCloud account should be unlocked for Apple devices.
Know more about the Return Policy here

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